Season 1

  1. Baby bomb
  2. Spare parts
  3. The face of God
  4. Prions
  5. The oldest virus
  6. The trials
  7. Faint hope
  8. Blackout
  9. The secret war
  10. The source
  11. The promise
  12. Resurrection
  13. The longest night

Stagione 1

  1. Contagio
  2. Paziente zero
  3. Tra realtà e fantasia
  4. Prioni
  5. Un virus antico
  6. Esperimenti
  7. Debole speranza
  8. Blackout
  9. La guerra segreta
  10. La fonte
  11. La promessa
  12. Resurrezione
  13. La notte più lunga

Season 2

  1. China
  2. Escape mutant
  3. The cocktail
  4. Dim & dimmer
  5. Massive changes
  6. Our men in Havana
  7. Talk to him
  8. Haze
  9. Gene in a bottle
  10. The wild and innocent
  11. Fishy
  12. Lethargica
  13. The end

Stagione 2

  1. Sindrome cinese
  2. Il virus impazzito
  3. Strane risorse
  4. I segreti dell’anima
  5. Minacce lontane
  6. Vendetta trasversale
  7. Lasciatemi morire
  8. La nube marrone
  9. Un gene miracoloso
  10. Il selvaggio e l’innocente
  11. Minacce nascoste
  12. Letargica
  13. Oscuri intrighi

Season 3

  1. A Spontaneous Moment
  2. Dust in the Wind
  3. Strangers in the Night
  4. I Dream of Genomes
  5. The God of Commerce
  6. Phantoms
  7. One Hand Washes the Other
  8. Sleepers
  9. Let It Burn
  10. Unbearable
  11. Adrift
  12. Jacobson’s Organ
  13. Back to the Future

Stagione 3

non disponibili

Season 4

  1. TB or not TB
  2. La Consecuencia
  3. Hep Burn and Melinkov
  4. The Kiss
  5. Suspicious Minds
  6. Race Fever
  7. Hearts and Minds
  8. Brood 14
  9. Unbottled
  10. What It Feels Like
  11. Bloodless
  12. The Sounds of Science
  13. The Truth

Stagione 4

non disponibili